Saturday, February 19, 2005


Months ago, during the US Election, some Toronto guy in the Globe and Mail made the asinine argument that Canadians should have a vote in the US election because what they do affects us here in Canada. It's an idiotic idea, I wrote to the Globe in the always unpublished letter to the editor, for more than one reason. First, the argument of affecting others would qualify the entire world, even the French and the Germans. More importantly, because if we vote in their elections, they can make the same demand when we have elections. We might end up with an actual Army, if that were the case!

Some gravitationally-challenged guy who made a movie using the wrong temperature scale for Canada also came to our country and lectured us about how we should vote. And many Canadians thought that it was great. Apparently, they needed all the help they could get.

Should we now be surprised that hundreds and sometimes thousands of letters are reaching MP offices from the United States trying to influence their vote on homosexual marriage? Frankly, I thought a movie from the gravitationally-challenged guy from Michigan would come out first.


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